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Secure Asset Management

Asset tracking

For complete asset and data security, Greenworld tracks each and every piece of equipment individually through every stage of its disposal life-cycle.

  • With over 30 years’ experience in secure asset tracking and logistics, Greenworld has developed a unique secure asset management system, Virtual Stockroom, which ensures unparalleled tracking for every asset.

The disposal life-cycle

From on-site asset sign-over to ultimate disposal, Greenworld tracks every asset  using its unique bar-coding, palletising and dispatching process to offer complete asset security and process transparency.

Each status change in the disposal process is logged within SAM providing total life-cycle auditability.

For example, statuses logged would include:

On-site - from asset sign over to dispatch – statuses:

  • Asset reconciliation and sign over
  • Hard drive present verification
  • Certified data erasure to CESG standards
  • Certified data destruction to CESG standards
  • Certified hard disc drive disintegration to CESG standards
  • Data destroyed, awaiting palletisation
  • Loaded onto a dedicated vehicle, in a unique bar coded pallet - awaiting dispatch
  • In-transit, on dedicated vehicle.

Off-site – from dispatch to ultimate disposal - statuses:

  • In-transit, on dedicated vehicle
  • At secure processing plant, awaiting processing
  • All client markings removed – awaiting testing
  • Tested/refurbished – passed and awaiting sale, or tested, refurbished – passed, awaiting dispatch to assist developing countries, or tested – failed and awaiting recycling.
  • Onward status:
  • Re-marketed and dispatched or,
  • Dispatched to assist developing countries, or,
  • Recycled.


By the end of 2028, Greenworld is committed to converting all of its vehicles to electric, cutting carbon emissions by up to 70%.

We accept full liability for all logistical (including multi-site collection) security for both data and physical assets, remarketing, redeployment and recycling costs of equipment disposal.
Although all data has been entirely destroyed before assets leave site, for total security and integrity of valuable physical assets, Greenworld operates a secure and precise, logistical process both for goods inwards and dispatching:

  • Dedicated, unmarked vehicles deliver assets directly from your site to GreenWorld’s secure processing facility - for assured integrity and asset security.
  • All high value items are transported from site by a dedicated data erasure team.
  • Greenworld insures all assets to £1 million.
  • All vehicle details are tracked within our asset management system.