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Greenworld Technologies - the specialist data lifecycle asset management, secure on-site data destruction and electronic equipment disposal company

Greenworld offers worldwide, class leading, secure data destruction, asset management, equipment remarketing, ethical disposal, environmental management and forensic solutions for a wide range of businesses.

We provide a unique portfolio of ON SITE services making us the asset management partner of choice for a prestigious client base that speaks for itself.

How do data and equipment disposal issues affect your company?

  • New WEEE legislation, on the disposal of electronic equipment, carries substantial fines and criminal prosecution for non compliance. How do you comply? GreenWorld is ISO 9001 (Quality), ISO 14001 (Environmental), ISO 18001 (Health and Safety) and ISO 27001 (Information Security) accredited, re-uses 90 per cent of all equipment and operates a zero landfill policy.
  • Breaches in Data Protection legislation are being stringently enforced with fines and law suits running into £millions. How do you dispose of your Data? GreenWorld destroys data ON SITE to the highest Government security standards.
  • 300 pages of potentially sensitive information can be retrieved from 1 inch of hard drive if data is not correctly destroyed. Why risk damaging your business reputation?  GreenWorld is the ONLY UK company providing ON SITE hard drive disintegration to the highest Government security standards.
  • Almost all end-of-life electronic equipment can be remarketed creating a substantial income stream. Why view equipment disposal as a cost?  GreenWorld's extensive track record, of worldwide equipment re-marketing, ensures maximum revenue generation on equipment.
  • Most businesses do not have a complete equipment disposal audit trail. How do you track your Assets?  GreenWorld's unique ON SITE secure asset management system provides comprehensive assest reconciliation and tracking.
  • Stakeholders have increasingly stringent Corporate Social Responsibility expectations. Is your business maximizing its CSR opportunities? GreenWorld manage developing country equipment provision programmes to assist with their regeneration.