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What are the legal implications of not disposing of data correctly?

  • If you breach of the Data Protection Act you will face criminal prosecution, unlimited fines that could run into millions and potentially huge civil actions.

What are the legal implications of not disposing of electronic equipment correctly?

  • If you breach the WEEE or Hazardous Waste Legislation you will face criminal prosecution and unlimited fines that could run into millions.

What does the new WEEE legislation really mean to us as a business?

  • Most electrical and electronic equipment contains hazardous materials that are harmful to the environment. The WEEE legislation ensures that you MUST dispose of your end of life equipment in a fully auditable transparent environmentally friendly way using an approved disposal partner such as GreenWorld. If you breach the WEEE or Hazardous Waste Legislation you will face criminal prosecution and unlimited fines that could run into millions.

What is the new hazardous waste legislation and what practical steps do we take to comply?

  • You must dispose of your end of life equipment designated hazardous waste (for example CRT monitors) in a fully auditable transparent environmentally friendly way using an approved disposal partner such as Greenworld.
  • All off site data destruction carries a huge risk of data loss in transit prior to data destruction occurring. Even then many methods of data destruction are ineffective and allow for data recovery. If data loss occurs then you risk breach of the Data Protection Act. GreenWorld only provides ON SITE data destruction services.

We currently have a local disposal company who takes our end of life IT equipment and assures us that it complies with the legislation. Surely we comply with the regulations?

  • Unless you have full transparent auditability of every stage of the disposal process together with the relevant disposal certification, should your disposal partner fail to meet the legislative disposal requirements, your business will be in breach of the WEEE legislation.


Data security

What are the major advantages of on-site asset management and secure data destruction?

  • The only guaranteed, certified way to ensure that data has been destroyed is to destroy data on site to strict government CESG standards. Greenworld’s on site processes eliminate huge data loss risks created by inadequate asset reconciliation, transit, insecure offsite premises, and ineffective data destruction techniques.

Are there any instances when data can’t be destroyed? If so, what happens next?

  • Regardless of the circumstances or type of equipment, Greenworld can destroy the data on-site to strict government CESG standards.

Our IT department sends the hard drives to an off site recycling company to have the data erased. Is this adequate insurance that all data has been destroyed?

  • No if any data loss happens in transit or whilst at the third party’s premises your business is liable for the consequences.

What assurances do we have that all data has been destroyed on site?

  • Greenworld insures each asset against data loss to the value of £1 million from on site asset signover.

Equipment security

Greenworld advised us that there is substantial remaining value in our redundant IT equipment. Is the company insured whilst remarketing our end-of-life equipment.

  • Greenworld insures each asset against loss to the value of £1 million from on-site asset signover.


We only replace our assets every 4 years so surely there will be a large disposal cost?

  • No. Greenworld will remarket your equipment, generating a large revenue stream for you well in excess of any associated data destruction and disposal costs.

Our asset register is out of date. Can Greenworld help us in these circumstances?

  • Yes. Greenworld logs every individual asset on site within our proprietary Virtual Stockroom (VS) prior to disposal providing a complete asset disposal inventory.

Our current IT equipment is still functional, but due an upgrade.  What are the options?

  • Greenworld can either remarket your equipment creating a significant revenue stream or upgrade and refurbish the equipment for redeployment back into your business, substantially reducing your capital spend.


Can Greenworld help our company meet the new WEEE environmental legislation?

  • Of course. Greenworld is an ISO 14001 accredited company and recycles equipment to strict, auditable, environmental standards including a 0% land fill policy.

Our clients expect us to prove our commitment to corporate social responsibility through recycling and charity work.  What are the options with end of life IT equipment?

  • Greenworld operates equipment donation schemes in developing countries assisting schools, medical centres and small businesses. We also operate mobile phone schemes generating significant income for donation to charity.