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Secure asset management and logistics
To ensure that your data destruction and asset disposal process is fool-proof, transparent and as undisruptive as possible, GreenWorld has developed a proprietary on-site asset management system – SAM – which combines over 30 years’ practical security and asset management experience.

About SAM:
A unique, robust database, SAM has been created with a sole aim of providing class leading asset reconciliation, data erasure/destruction integrity and asset life tracking, for high security organisations.

SAM’s unique features include:

  • Complete on-site asset management and reconciliation.
  • Complete on-site asset data erasure/destruction verification and reconciliation.
  • Complete asset and data tracking through the entire process: from on-site signover, data erasure verification and asset palletisation, site removal, asset testing through to onward distribution.

SAM tracks and reports on your assets and the full data destruction process throughout the operation, so that every step is accounted for.  It includes the following stages:

  • Asset signover and client asset reconciliation.
  • Asset data erasure/destruction.
  • Asset palletisation and site removal.
  • Asset transit and off site storage.
  • Asset testing/refurbishment.
  • Onward asset remarketing/distribution to assist developing countries/recycling.
  • SAM’s fully secure access mechanisms allows all access and privileges to be set, logged and centrally controlled. Its real time date and time stamping ensures a fully accurate and up-to-date snapshot of processes.